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Arts + Environment

Fancy a busman’s holiday from your studio?

Want to connect with other artists in the region?

Keen to share ideas and learn more about environmental issues?

HARI's Summer Programme


During August HARI wants to hand over the project space to a multiplicity of artists with a range of practices and ways of looking at our local-global environments at this critical juncture.


As artists we respond to the changing world, and have the capability to share different truths and visions of current situations, express alternative ways of experiencing the world, and imagine new ways of developing sustainable futures.


HARI would like this summer project to be led by your passions as well as our own ideas. We want to seed an opportunity for us all to explore these issues and how we respond to them collaboratively – to think and act in an environmental way.


We are interested in works and ideas which engage with the following broad headings:

  • the natural environment and urban green spaces,

  • climate change consequences and adaptations,

  • land ownership and food sovereignty,

  • biodiversity and tenacious weeds versus big agriculture monoculture


Your proposed action may fall under your general arts practice, or could be an experimental approach to working – exploring new approaches to artistically activating these issues.


It is also crucial to HARI to engage the public in these discussions and activities. Is there an activity can you bring to encourage people – whether families, young people, general adults or a targeted group – around these issues? This could be psycho-geography walks, provocative happenings on the pavement space in-front of HARI, or a practical arts/crafts workshop activity.


We also plan to programme a number of learning and discussion opportunities for artists. What areas would you be interested in finding out more about? What conversations can we cultivate, what ideas can we sow?

What would you like to contribute to and gain from this programme?


We would love to receive your Expressions of Interest for bringing your work or intervention to the space. This could be a single event, or a couple of weeks to develop an idea or piece of work.


Email with your basic idea and intro to your practice, and suggest dates when you would be available – or any periods when you aren’t.

An informal description of an idea is all we need at this stage as we look to curate a fulfilling and enlightening programme that engages and shares the diverse approaches of different artists.


This is not a paid role, but we will aim to support costs, and to enable you to get the most from the opportunity in terms of professional development and new connections.

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